Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hey all...

Sorry that I've been a bit absentee lately.  I rarely commit to more than I can handle but recently I have.  Barely have time to get
a proper manicure.  My polish is nearly worn off.

Hopefully things will settle down after next week.  You may not notice, as I have several days worth of pics ready to go up.

Please don't think that I'm ignoring you when I don't return your comments, or comment on your caps, I get a chance to see many of them.  Just no time to be a good neighbor and offer encouragement.

Until things settle down a bit, here's some inspiration for you. This is a young lady by the name of Emily Brady.  She, and her generous 30Gs have begun to inspire me.  Hopefully, they will do the same for you.

Til soon (I hope),


Here are some more of my sexy panties...